10 Steps for becoming a professional screenwriter

10 Steps for becoming a professional screenwriter

10 Steps for becoming a professional screenwriter

It is not easy to write a script because this field necessitates great creativity and an elaborate plot in order to be ingrained in the mind of the viewer, teach him a lesson, or leave an impression on himself. Nothing is impossible with perseverance and determination. These days anything is possible. So, if you’re wondering how to become a professional screenwriter and want to learn how to write a script? This is the article for you. Follow these 10 steps that will help you get started as a screenwriter.

First: Determine the purpose of writing the script

The first step in writing a script is determining its purpose and genre. Do you need a script for a social media video, a script or script for a TV show, a radio script, or a script for an electronic game? It is also necessary to specify the type of scenario, as there are several, including:

  • Educational scenario: This scenario aims to provide educational and informative content. Bloggers who convert a number of their articles and blog posts into videos frequently use this type.
  • Marketing scenario: It is used in the first place by companies and business owners to market a product or brand.
  • Entertainment script: It aims to entertain viewers and is widely used on social media platforms and YouTube.

Ready to start your project?

Sixth step: Create a summary of your story

The story that your audience will watch must be summarized in order, with an introduction to the main character and his world, as well as an incident that incites and moves the story. The character is then introduced to a new situation or challenge. The first turning point in the story is when the hero in the story takes a risk or loses him, and when the hero reaches the point of no return, makes the second turning point by recovering the character for consideration, and finally moving to the climax, which is the story’s arrival at the solution.

Ready to start your project?


In the article’s summary, we discussed how to write a screenplay in 10 steps. Professional screenwriting is very broad and deep but you can learn from the most famous screenwriters. These steps will help you to be a professional and creative screenwriter.